Over the past few years, my closet has undergone a comfort makeover. I leaned into joggers, finally found a pair of jeans I love, and discovered the real pleasures of wearing sneakers to make a fashion statement. I’m always on the lookout for new finds that separate comfort from cool, so my interest definitely piqued when friends started sharing how much they loved this wildly popular pair of Adidas trainers that are on sale for 30% off. reduction.
The Adidas Cloudfoam 2.0 Pure running shoes are known for their cushioning, and they’re on sale for as low as $49 in select sizes and colors. According to the brand, the support comes down to the insole which promises to make wearers feel like they are “walking on air”. Additionally, the shoes would offer a breathable, foot-hugging knit upper that seemed to only enhance the lightweight feel of the shoes. I was intrigued, especially after seeing that the sneakers had nearly 60,000 five-star ratings and nearly 7,000 positive reviews.
To buy: $49 (instead of $70); amazon.com.
“Most comfortable shoes I’ve ever worn. Walked all day traveling and never had sore feet,” shared one shopper who captioned their review, “Like walking on real clouds.”
When it comes to sneakers, I’m even more picky about their fit than jeans, which says a lot. I have a high arch and am prone to bouts of plantar fasciitis. So my biggest concerns still come down to fit, arch support, and overall comfort. While I’m definitely not a sneaker aficionado, I have to admit that I was definitely wondering if a pair of shoes would be comfortable enough for me to consider them “a cloud.” But these Adidas sneakers absolutely made me forget any skepticism the very first time I wore them.
While I don’t plan on wearing the CloudFoam sneakers for running (I rely on my trusty pair of Brooks for that), I’ve never worn a more comfortable pair of sneakers on walks and runs. in the city. The sneakers weigh only 4 ounces, which is incredibly light. But they don’t feel flimsy at all. In fact, when I first laced up the sneakers, I immediately felt the shoes’ thick cushioning mold to my feet. I then made the brave choice to go for a 2 mile walk in a pair of sneakers that I hadn’t broken at all – and was comfortable the whole time.
Since my first use, I have taken my Adidas Cloudfoam sneakers again and again. They feel so easy that I don’t want to wear any other pairs of shoes in my closet, and the fact that they’re neutral also works in my favor. If you’re also into comfort, I can’t recommend experiencing the hype of these sneakers for yourself, especially if you can grab a pair on sale for just $49.