Reading the fine print or understanding the available offers means you could save money or enjoy refunds or freebies you might not otherwise have experienced, like a brand new pair of Nike sneakers.

According to Erika Kullberg, lawyer and founder of Catch and lawa legal technology startup for small businesses and entrepreneurs.

Kullberg discovered that you may be eligible for compensation for everything from being kicked off your flight, having a package arrive after its guaranteed delivery date, or getting a discount on a Apple buys under its educational price.

Airlines are already anticipating a busy summer, making it especially important for passengers to understand the rules in the event of an unexpected change. And agreements such as Delta’s Contract of Carriage can be long. That’s why it can be very beneficial to take the time to read and fully understand the fine print.

“Almost every transaction in your life involves a contract, whether you’re flying with an airline or buying a pair of shoes,” Kullberg said.

Kullberg distributes this wealth of consumer knowledge on social media and has amassed more than 11 million followers on TikTokInstagram and YouTube.

Watch this video to learn more about how to save money by reading the fine print.

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